COVID-19 Safety Plan
UPDATED: NOV. 24, 2020
Meridian Pilates Studio keeps health and safety at the forefront of its operations. We ensure that our premises are as risk-free as possible through appropriate distancing and masking measures, as well as air filtration and cleaning protocols, so that participants are free to practice Pilates in a safe environment. Please read below for all our COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols.
Studio capacity has been reduced.
Occupancy limits have been posted at the entrance to the studio and in each area.
The studio doors are locked at all times to prohibit walk ins.
Masks, properly worn, are required to be at all times while on the studio premises.
Clients have been asked to arrive no more than 5 minutes prior to their session and to wait in the hallway until they are invited into the studio.
Clients have been advised they must cancel an appointment if they develop symptoms prior to their session.
Signage at the entrance informs everyone coming to the studio not to enter if they are exhibiting symptoms and that masks are mandatory.
Prior to starting their workday, each staff member must sign an attestation that they do not have any COVID-19 symptoms and are not required to self-isolate.
Prior to each session, clients must sign an attestation that they do not have any COVID-19 symptoms and are not required to quarantined or self-isolate.
Records are kept of everyone who has been in the studio each day including the times they entered and exited.
Studio has been reconfigured: each client has a physically distanced area containing all equipment required for their session.
Appointments and classes have been scheduled to allow for extra cleaning and controlled traffic flow.
The front door is locked at all times to maintain control over the area.
Reception area has been reconfigured to allow clients to move into the studio while maintaining physical distance from others.
The front desk is no longer staffed, all bookings, cancellations and payments are done by phone, email or online.
Hand sanitizer stations are available for clients and staff to use upon entering and exiting.
The front door handles are cleaned after each use.
Masks must be worn at all times while on the premises.
Hand sanitizer has been placed at each Pilates station.
Clients and instructors are required to sanitize their hands before and after each session.
All equipment is sanitized between each client visit.
Each client area is equipped with hospital grade disinfectant spray for the equipment, paper towels, hand sanitizer and a lined waste bin that is emptied daily.
Four HEPA air filtration devices have been placed throughout the studio.
Physical greetings have been replaced with non-contact greetings.
Hand washing is encouraged before and after eating and when returning from breaks.
Maximum 4 clients per class.
All sessions must be pre-booked.
Clients have their own area with all the equipment required for their session.
We adhere to the distance requirements set out by the public health authority.
The Pilates practice taught in our studio is not considered to be high intensity exercise.
Classes are spaced 15 minutes apart to allow for cleaning and disinfecting with hospital grade solution.
Hand sanitizer is used at the beginning and end of every session.
All sessions must be pre-booked.
Clients have their own area with all the equipment required for their session.
We adhere to the distance requirements set out by the public health authority.
The Pilates practice taught in our studio is not considered to be high intensity exercise.
Classes are spaced 15 minutes apart to allow for cleaning and disinfecting with hospital grade solution.
As much as possible sessions are conducted in a manner that avoids touching clients however should direct contact be necessary hand sanitizer is used before and after contact.
Hand sanitizer is used at the beginning and end of every session.
Each equipment station has hand sanitizer, disinfecting spray, paper towels and a lined waste basket.
At the end of every session clients liberally spray down the equipment and wet wipe it to ensure all surfaces are covered.
Equipment is left to air dry for 10 minutes after which time the instructor wipes down any surface which has not completely dried.
All equipment which can not be properly disinfected has been removed from use.
Sessions are scheduled 15 minutes apart to allow for appropriate disinfecting.
Our staff and clients understand that mask wearing is not a substituted for physical distancing.
All changes to COVID-19 protocols are communicated by email, signage and verbally.
All staff and clients are encouraged to provide feedback on COVID-19 prevention measures in place.
Extra rooms for meals and breaks, each staff member has a designated space.
Meetings and staff training are done by conference call, ZOOM or Google meetings.
If face to face meetings are deemed necessary, they are kept small (maximum 4 people) and short, masks are worn, and physical distancing is maintained.
Administration staff work remotely whenever possible.
All employees are committed to adhering to the government recommendations regarding opening and operating a safe workplace for all.
If staff or clients are non-compliant to our COVID-19 protocols they are given a verbal warning followed by an email if necessary. Should a client continue to be non-compliant they are asked in writing to not return to the studio and are refunded any balance in their account. Staff members are no longer allowed to work in the studio however they may continue teaching online if there is a need.
Clients are asked to wear appropriate clothing when they arrive as the change room has been closed.